(Far infrared Therapy Improves Ankle Brachial Index in Hemodialysis Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease)
アメリカの腎臓医学年会ASN (Philadelphia, U.S.) に
1、How to create a new native arteriovenous fistula in hemodialysis patient and how Far-Infrared Therapy can improve
the maturation rate(MD Chai-Hock Chua、台湾)
2、The effect of Far Infrared Therapy on the integrated care of arteriovenous fistula: from creation, maturation to
maintenance(MD Lin, Chih-ching、台湾)
第9回ISHD(Kuala Lumpur、Malaysia)に出展
(MD Dheepa Ramasamy、マレーシア)
1、Calciphylaxis with Extensive Vascular Ulcer – A Successful Story(MD Ching Chen Hua、マレーシア)
2、Single Center Experience, Using Far-Infrared Therapy on AVF/BCF Access in ESRF Patients
(MD Kee Swee Ann、マレーシア)
口頭発表:「Effect of Far-Infrared Therapy on Arteriovenous Fistula: UpDate」(MD Lin, Chih-ching、台湾)
「Far-infrared Therapy as a Novel Treatment for Encapsulating Peritoneal SclerosisFar-infrared Therapy as a Novel Treatment for Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis」
ポスター発表:「A single treatment, using Far Infrared Light, increased bloodflow and AV-fistula diameter」(Skaraborg Hospital、スウェーデン)
「Length polymorphisms of heme oxygenase-1 determine the effect of far-infrared therapy on the function of arteriovenous fistula in hemodialysis patients: a novel physicogenomic study」
「Effect of Far Infrared Therapy on Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation: An Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial」
Laser in Medicine Scienceに論文掲載
「Effects of far-infrared radiation on heart rate variability and central manifestations in healthy subjects: a resting-fMRI studyEffects of far-infrared radiation on heart rate variability and central manifestations in healthy subjects: a resting-fMRI study」
1、Far Infrared Therapy – a novel treatment for AV Fistula Maturation and Maintenance? (City Hospital Sunderland、イギリス)
2、Length Polymorphism of Heme Oxygenase-1 gene determines the therapeutic effect Of far infrared therpay on access flow and unassisted patency of AV fistula in HD patients(MD Lin, Chih-ching、台湾)
1、Far Infrared Therapy Improves Access Flow and Endothelial Function of newly-created AV access in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease(MD Lin, Chih-ching台湾)
2、Far Infrared Therapy: a Novel Treatment for AV Fistula Maturation and Maintenance? (City Hospital Sunderland、イギリス)
「Far-Infrared Therapy: A Novel Treatment to Improve Access Blood Flow and Unassisted Patency of Arteriovenous Fistula in Hemodialysis Patients」
ヨーロッパ腎臓医学年会ERA-EDTA (Barcelona, Spain)に出展
タイの腎臓医学年会NST (Cha-Am, Thailand) に出展
アメリカの腎臓医学年会ASN (San Francisco, U.S.) に出展
ポスター発表:「Inhibition of TNFα-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules through upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 mediates the anti-inflammatory effect of Far Infrared Therapy in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.」(MD Lin, Chih-ching、台湾)